Innovative | Teachable | On-time


To provide custom visual design for any size and competitive range of the marching arts.

Guaranteed a fresh, innovative, and teachable product, tailored to your ensemble's needs. 



Drill Design

Visual Coordination


Wind Choreography

Show Imagery




Check out what my clients and friends are saying!

Drill Design

Whether you are looking for a custom competitive marching package or a fun, non-competitive for friday night lights, we have you covered! Every group is different. Every show is custom. 

Visual Coordination

Do you have your music picked out but need help creating your show top to bottom? Do you want someone to oversee the visual process so you don’t have to? Start here to begin the highly detailed process to excellence.


Need body for those impact moments? Don't worry, I have got you covered! I will deliver you in-depth HD videos of fresh, effective, and teachable body that will leave the audience and judges talking.


As per request, I will be available to give video or on-site services to make sure everything is transferring from Pyware to the field correctly. Do you need someone for camp or a rehearsal? I will travel to teach!

Show Imagery

From show announcement posters to custom props, flags, etc. Anything you need, I can design to fulfill your digital needs.